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Jsme tu pro Vás, abychom s vámi nezávazně a důvěrně prodiskutovali vaše budoucí plány a ambice.
Kontaktovat nás můžete telefonicky, emailem nebo přes zabezpečený online formulář níže.
Kontaktní formulář
Nexia One Corporate Finance CZ, s.r.o
Olivova 2096/4 110 00 Praha 1
IČO: 123456
DIČ: CZ123456
Společnost je zapsána v Obchodním rejstříku vedená u Městského soudu v Praze, oddíl C, vložka 95538
Nexia One Corporate Finance SK, s.r.o
Karpatská 8 811 05 Bratislava – mestská časť Staré Mesto
IČO: 36795232
DIČ: SK2022412326
Nexia One Corporate Finance CZ, s.r.o. a Nexia One Corporate Finance SK, s.r.o. are members of Nexia International Limited. Nexia, Nexia International, „we“, „us“ and „our“ refer to the global network of member firms of Nexia or to one or more member firms or their affiliates.
Nexia International Limited coordinates the Nexia network. It does not provide services to clients.
Nexia International Limited and each member firm are separate and independent legal entities, each of which is responsible for its own acts, omissions or liabilities and not those of any other member of the Nexia network.
The trade marks NEXIA INTERNATIONAL and NEXIA, and the NEXIA logo, are owned by Nexia International Limited and are used by the member firms of Nexia under licence.